Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back in Action

Hello, all. I’m back. I took a bit of a hiatus for many reasons. Sometimes life just gets in your way and makes demands of you and while fulfilling those demands its easy to lose sight of what you were doing and why. That idea kinda ties into what I want to talk about today. You, see while I was on my hiatus I lost sight of why I was writing so I began searching for some inspiration. I usually find creative inspiration in movies and video games because I am a visual learner. So, I watched a lot of movies and played through some video games. One of the video games that I experienced was Mass Effect 3 from developer BioWare. The game not only inspired me to write this post but one of the alien races in the game inspired a short story that I am now writing.

For those uninitiated, Mass Effect is a trilogy of games in the Space Opera sub-genre of Science Fiction. A simple definition for Space Opera is “a futuristic melodramatic fantasy involving space travelers and/or extraterrestrial beings.” I.E.- Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, Futurama (parody/satire), and Space Odyssey. The Mass Effect series follows the exploits of Commander Shepard. Consider him kind of a Jack Bauer in space but instead of trying to save America he’s trying to save the galaxy. I played Mass Effect 3 (here on out referred to as ME3) and beat it just a few days ago and I’ve had some time to collect my thoughts on it. After its release ME3 saw some controversy with its ending. I didn’t read anything about it until after I beat the game because I didn’t want anything spoiled but now I've read up on it. The only thing that I knew going into the game is that several thousands of fans were unhappy with the ending. Today’s entry will be my take on the ending.

It was brilliant.